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Yahawashi Training Academy

Nuestra membresĆ­a de EducaciĆ³n Religiosa brinda acceso a una multitud de recursos y beneficios. Nuestro plan de estudios integral se basa en todos los libros bĆ­blicos, incluidos los libros perdidos y los apĆ³crifos, asĆ­ como el libro de Melchisidec. TambiĆ©n brindamos educaciĆ³n financiera, capacitaciĆ³n para jĆ³venes y orientaciĆ³n sobre cĆ³mo vivir un estilo de vida justo y virtuoso.

Queen's Training Academy

The Queen's Academy Education program provides access to a multitude of resources and benefits for the sisters of Yasharahlah and their children. While the curriculum is similar to Yahawashi Training Academy, as it is based on all biblical books (including the Lost Books, the Apocrypha, as well as the book of Melchisidec and other books and documents such as the Quran) with financial education, law training, marriage counseling, youth training, tax guidance, guidance on how to live a righteous lifestyle, leadership training and much, much more. Queen's Academy differs in that the focus is a sisterhood under the weight of the Laws of Almighty YHWH.


All sisters are expected to obey the Laws & keep the Commandments as they are set out according to the Scriptures just as the brethren are expected to do the same.

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